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- Come Get Your Bread&Butter: Make America $YAK Again |Upgrade your Stock Lingo| Invest Now for Later
Come Get Your Bread&Butter: Make America $YAK Again |Upgrade your Stock Lingo| Invest Now for Later

April 9, 2024
Welcome Back! count: 1,937 words…. 12min read. Don’t be lazy knowledge is power. Copy edited by Anthony Snaggs, Ion Ageday, and Kervins Valcourt
Make America $YAK Again

“Grab em Buy the $YAK”
Bitcoin’s next halving event is 17 days away, which means things are going to start heating up for the overall market as a whole. If you still haven’t taken a look at $Yak, now’s the time. Don’t be the person that takes notice once it’s too late. It's a common scenario that when something promising gains widespread attention, it's often a sign that the opportunity has passed. The fact that you’re hearing about it proves that your late because everyones already talking about it.. For newcomers to crypto, I provide a guide on (How to Set Up a MetaMask Wallet in Less Than 5 Minutes to make 15k !) Additionally, I offer step-by-step instructions on purchasing $Yak in (The Pepe Killer.)

“High off $YAK”
Bread 🍞:
$Yak has been holding up surprisingly well. This is the perfect time to get into this project. Market cap is currently sitting at $15.09M, with expected corrections, we haven’t seen any huge dump keeping in mind that this is a month old project. The $YAK team has been diligently working hard behind the scenes and manages to keep the community engaged via twitter. I have faith this meme token will explode in the near future.

To have access to more plays in real-time everyone should follow us on Twitter @BreadnbutterCo and Instagram @BreadnButterNews

Butter 🧈:
How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners & Make Money Within 3 Months (Step-by-Step)

Let's be real, crypto and stocks aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some people have a more creative personality. If this rings true for you, then this guide is precisely what you need. I’ll be showing you step-by-step how to successfully start a Youtube channel to create videos/shorts in order to make passive income. The best part is I’ll be doing this alongside you to prove that making money on YouTube isn’t as hard as it seems!

I recently made a Youtube Channel and have grown it to 2,000+ subscribers in just a few weeks. It wasn’t rocket science and I’ve only spent a few minutes a day re-uploading viral videos. So starting today I’ll post 1-2 videos/shorts daily and I’ll share my results here. Don't let procrastination hold you back—act now and seize the opportunity.

90k views in about a month
Step 1: You’ll need to create an account, so simply click the sign-in tab in the upper right corner & it will take you to this page. Use the option “For work or my business.”

Step 2: Once that’s complete you’ll be successfully signed in. You’ll proceed to “create channel.” This option will be available in the same upper right corner.
Step 3: Create a handle for your channel. I suggest choosing a handle that’s unique and that pertains to the niche you’re interested in. To get to this menu, you’d click “Youtube Studio” then head over to “Customization.”

Step 4: Click on “Settings,” head over to “Channel,” and make sure you enable and verify each of these. You must complete this step, do not skip over it.

Step 5: You’re basically ready to start uploading videos. If you’re still unsure about what kind of content you're going to upload, don’t think too hard or you’ll never start. A good way to get ideas on videos that interest you is to pay attention to the videos/shorts you watch daily. Click on the person’s channel and you’ll see that a lot of channels are reposting viral videos whether it’s Kai Cenat, livestreams, or funny meme videos. You can practically copy someone's page entirely.
Step 6: Once you’ve figured out the content or the page you’d like to emulate, you need to edit videos and repost them. Idk about you but I have ZERO experience in editing videos. For that reason, I use an AI tool that edits all of the content I’d like to re-upload. It’s called opus.pro

Step 7: This tool is one of many AI tools I use that edit my videos in a particular way, giving it a high chance of going viral. It adds captions automatically and makes 10 shorts out of the video you choose to use. It also gives each clip a rating of the chances of it going viral. All you need to do is copy the url of the desired video and paste it on opus.pro, then you’re done.
I’ll be updating you weekly on the progress made on this channel. If anyone needs any assistance on starting a channel etc. don't hesitate to reach out to me. Stay tuned
Trying to Upgrade Ya
by Kervins Valcourt

Alright, Alright, Alright, Guys and Gals! I have gotten some texts, calls, and emails asking me to explain some of the financial terms I use in my article. I don’t want you to miss out on any of these plays. So I’m going to upgrade your finance lingo.
🧈 Call: An options contract that gives you the right to buy stock at a set price within a certain time period. So when you think the stock is going up, I mean up, up you’ll need to buy some calls
🍞 Why: The keyword here is “contract.” To get the contract, you have to pay some money for it. But the benefit is that you can get your hands on a ton more stocks than if you were to buy the stocks straight. Ok, let me play this out for you. Let’s say you think Apple (APPL) is going to the moon 🚀 🌕️. 1 stock of Apple is going for $168 today. But you think that Apple is going to be at $200 in a month. You can always buy the one stock for $168 today and then wait one month to sell your one Apple (APPL) stock for $200. Making a profit of $32. Now, let’s say you’re a bit of a gambler. You can spend $168 to buy one contract today with a strike price of $168 to buy the stock, which will give you the chance to buy 10 Apple stocks in a month at $170. Now, if you are right, and the Apple stock is selling for $200 one month later, you can then cash in on your contract and have a profit of $300. Net profit will be $130 if you account for the cost of the contract. What happens if it doesn’t hit well? You have to read the Expires worthless definition.
🧈 Put: An options contract that gives you the right to sell stock at a set price within a certain time period. So let’s just flip it and reverse it.
🍞 Why: Ok now lets do this again. Same as Calls, in order to get the contract, you have to pay some bread. Ok, let me play this out for you. Let’s say you think Apple (APPL) is going to go free fall. 1 stock of Apple is going for $168 today. But you think that Apple is going to be at $100 in a month. Now you can make some money when Tim Cook is on his way down. Check this, you can spend $168 to buy one contract today with a strike price of $168 to buy the stock, which will give you the chance to buy 10 Apple stocks in a month at $100. Now, if you are right, Tim Cook shat the bed, and Apple stock is selling for $100 one month later, you can then cash in on your contract and have a profit of $680. Net profit $512 accounting for the cost of the contract. What happens if it doesn’t hit well? You have to read the Expires worthless definition.
Expiration date: The date when the options contract becomes trash. It’s the due date for you to act on the contract, and it can be days, weeks, months, or years in the future.
Strike price, or exercise price: The price at you can buy or sell the stock if you want to exercise the option.
In the money: It’s when you're in the green baby. So if your strike price on a call is $100 and the stock is currently at $150. Then you are up $50 or in the money. The same goes for the opposite in Put’s.
Out of the money: Just mean you are not in the green yet. So if you got a put and the strike price is $100, and the stock is currently going for $150. Then you are down $50 or out of the money. The same goes for the opposite in calls.
At the money: When the stock price is about the same or equal to the strike price. Basically, it’s a wash.
Expires worthless: When the expiration date comes, and it will come, but the option isn’t going the way you want, and there is no money to be made. Then it has unfortunately expired worthless. An example is if you got a put and the strike price is $100, and the stock is currently going for $150, but it expires today. So, since you're not going to want to lose $50 dollars a share, you just let the contract go off into the sunset with that upfront money you paid for it. Putting you in the red but just of the cost of the contract.
Ok, it's time to make this Bread

Work smart Play smarter
By Ion Ageday

Bread 🍞:
By now, you should be up a couple racks, if not more, from all the plays we have been dropping whether it’s cash, credit or crypto. Either way, you’re gonna need some new investments to expand your empire. Let’s take a look at a few you should consider to plant some revenue moving forward.
Vending Machines- This right here is like taking candy from a baby except they get the candy and you get their money without even being present. All you have to do is buy the machine and keep it stocked with inventory. Once that’s done, all you have left is occasional maintenance and collecting your bag. This investment relies heavily on location for profit so I would suggest working with businesses in high traffic areas.
Buy an automatic car wash- Here is an investment that can also be easily managed with employees and the right preparation. Low maintenance and minimal inventory make this play excellent for return on investment. Keep in mind that traffic and accessibility are your key factors. While buying a self-service car wash may start at a much higher price of $100k or more, the average self-service car wash makes about $2k/day. So don’t worry, you’ll see your investment back sooner than you think.
ATMs- Spending under $3k for the machine and about $6k for cash flow can get your ATM out in places like grocery stores, casinos, gas stations, bars, restaurants and clubs. Even with wireless payments making things simpler, you’d be surprised at how many people take out cash daily! Therefore, cash is always good!!
Butter 🧈: Hassle free investments that generate passive income are a win-win in any entrepreneur’s book. From tax advantages to financial freedom you’re one step closer to an early retirement. Feel free to reach out to any of the bread and butter members if you want to know which investments best suit your wallet. Stay tuned for more investments that can turn any margin of capital into a smooth sailing along the river of success!